Results by Area

Here are the results by area:

Ranking by Total Medals

Country Sq. mile / Medal Rank
Switzerland SUI “1,771” 1
Netherlands NED “2,005” 2
Austria AUT “2,024” 3
Slovenia SLO “2,609” 4
Korea KOR “2,750” 5
Croatia CRO “4,370” 6
Germany GER “4,595” 7
Norway NOR “5,436” 8
Slovakia SVK “6,311” 9
Latvia LAT “8,313” 10
Czech Republic CZE “10,150” 11
Sweden SWE “15,805” 12
Estonia EST “17,463” 13
Poland POL “20,121” 14
France FRA “22,584” 15
Italy ITA “23,270” 16
Belarus BLR “26,718” 17
Japan JPN “29,183” 18
Finland FIN “65,279” 19
Great Britain GBR “94,058” 20
United States USA “102,543” 21
Canada CAN “148,273” 22
China CHN “336,855” 23
Russian Federation RUS “440,111” 24
Australia AUS “498,150” 25
Kazakhstan KAZ “1,052,090” 26

Ranking by Gold Medals

Country Sq. mile / Gold Rank
Switzerland SUI 2656 1
Netherlands NED 4010 2
Korea KOR 6417 3
Austria AUT 8096 4
Germany GER 13785 5
Norway NOR 13891 6
Czech Republic CZE 15225 7
Slovakia SVK 18933 8
Sweden SWE 34772 9
Belarus BLR 80155 10
Great Britain GBR 94058 11
Italy ITA 116348 12
Poland POL 120728 13
France FRA 124214 14
Canada CAN 275365 15
United States USA 421567 16
China CHN 741082 17
Australia AUS 1494451 18
Russian Federation RUS 2200556 19
Japan JPN 0 20
Croatia CRO 0 20
Slovenia SLO 0 20
Latvia LAT 0 20
Finland FIN 0 20
Estonia EST 0 20
Kazakhstan KAZ 0 20

Ranking by Points

Country Sq. mile / Point Rank
Switzerland SUI 482.94 1
Netherlands NED 616.92 2
Austria AUT 735.97 3
Korea KOR 770.04 4
Slovenia SLO “1,118.21” 5
Germany GER “1,435.91” 6
Norway NOR “1,666.94” 7
Slovakia SVK “2,103.61” 8
Czech Republic CZE “2,175.05” 9
Croatia CRO “3,121.58” 10
Latvia LAT “4,156.33” 11
Sweden SWE “4,967.43” 12
Estonia EST “5,820.88” 13
Poland POL “7,545.52” 14
Belarus BLR “8,906.09” 15
France FRA “9,937.14” 16
Italy ITA “10,577.09” 17
Japan JPN “13,264.89” 18
Finland FIN “18,651.22” 19
Great Britain GBR “18,811.67” 20
United States USA “36,835.93” 21
Canada CAN “40,157.32” 22
China CHN “105,868.79” 23
Russian Federation RUS “178,423.48” 24
Australia AUS “229,915.54” 25
Kazakhstan KAZ “350,696.63” 26

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