Chance of Cloudy Tags
Jimmy Blogger here…
What’s wrong with Tag Clouds?
There are no clouds!
While everyone else has plain tag clouds, your blog can have cloudy tag clouds.
(cut to scene of people using laptops at coffee shop)
“Thanks to Cloudy Tags, my blog isn’t boring anymore!”
“I love this new widget!”
(cut back to set with audience)
Blogging tested!
Blogging approved!
For many of you, that spoof made no sense. For others, it did make sense. But in about 6 months, that line of commercials should have withered and no one will appreciate this post anymore. By that time, there should be plenty of other posts and I wouldn’t expect that many people to be reading this one anyway.
I have completed my second plugin for WordPress blogs, Cloudy Tags. It makes your tag cloud look cloudy, like this:
Details are at the Cloudy Tags page.
It shall come about, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud
Genesis 9:14
This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 11:58 pm and has been carefully placed in the Technical category.