Husbands and Wives – Communication

A husband and a wife can say the exact same words but have very different meanings. Here are some examples:

Phrase: “The noodles are on the stove.

Wife’s meaning Husband’s meaning
so take them out to the table because we’re getting ready to eat. The noodles are on the stove.

Phrase: “The dishes in the dishwasher are clean.

Wife’s meaning Husband’s meaning
so please put them away You can use them, put them away, or just leave them alone – whatever. Just don’t put dirty dishes in there.

Phrase: “What time is dinner?

Wife’s meaning Husband’s meaning
Do you need help making dinner? You’re moving awfully slowly in the kitchen. I need to know how much time I have so I can decide if I should keep working on what I’m doing or if I should wash up now.

Those were, of course, random examples from anonymous people.

Here’s my tip for wives: don’t read anything into what your husband says. Take it at face value – he is just giving you information.

Here’s my tip for husbands: try to guess what your wife means when she says something. Don’t take it at face value – she is giving you secret instructions.

His disciples said, “Lo, now You are speaking plainly and are not using a figure of speech.

John 16:29

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 11:38 pm and has been carefully placed in the Life category.

3 Responses to “Husbands and Wives – Communication”

  1. phoebe Says:

    So true, so true!

  2. arby Says:

    Tip to husbands: DON’T GUESS at what your wife means. Ask her. Clarify! Clarify! Clarify! It will extend your life (with her) for years. Unless you don’t want that result. Then take a stab at her true meaning and hope for the best.

  3. Kids and Moms – Communication •• Some Blog Site Says:

    […] Note: In case you think this sounds familiar, this is a variation of a post I did a while back on communication between husbands and wives. […]

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