Winter Road Signs
My kids like to play in the snow. Most of the time that involves either sledding (which ends only when I announce “Time for hot chocolate!”) or snowball fights (them against me, which ends when someone starts crying).
The other week, though, I was busy clearing the driveway so they came up with some other way to amuse themselves. They cleared paths in the lawn to make roads and then Alpha wrote appropriate signage in the snow so you could tell where to go.
First up – the roads, being made by Alpha and Beta:
You start off with the speed limit, to know how fast to go in town:
Then you pass by a Burger King (which is odd because we don’t have any of those around here):
There’s a turn to be made; you must choose either left or right:
You go right, and now you apparently have to keep going right:
Time to shop for a few cheap things:
Hold on for another intersection. The other road has the right of way:
And then you’re hungry again, this time for McDonalds:
And that was the tour around our temporary town.
Watch the path of your feet And all your ways will be established.
Proverbs 4:26

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:06 pm and has been carefully placed in the Family category.
January 19th, 2011 at 8:11 pm
I can’t wait to be a dad someday.
January 20th, 2011 at 12:00 am
It’s great being a dad, and I hope the kids will be able to flip through this blog later in life to see what they used to do.
If kids might be in your future, my only word of advice is to take your vacations now while you can, especially the hey-let’s-go-there-for-an-extended-weekend type of trip.