Snow Shields
Here’s another winter weather update.
Pulling Sleds
The boys love playing outside in the snow. Sometimes they sled by themselves; sometimes I pull them.
The other day we were outside and we watched the neighbor get out his 4-wheeler and use that to pull the kids’ sleds around. That seems like cheating, if you ask me, but it also seems like more fun.
Snow Pile
I normally try to pile all the snow in one area. That way, there’s a nice hill for the kids to play on and in. We also normally try to hollow out the hill to make a cave, which the boys are calling an igloo.
Igloo and hockey sticks? No, you haven’t wandered over into Canada. That’s just how we are.
Snowball Fight
The kids also like to have snowball fights, which consist of the usual throwing snow at each other. They are on one team (one the west side of the driveway) and I am on the other team (on the east side of the driveway). Gamma is usually on my team, although he isn’t really aware that he is on a team.
The other week, I had a bit of a challenge. It was not too long after we had watched one of the episodes of Star Wars, so I couldn’t just throw snow at them because they had their shield up. I had to first take out their shield before I could start throwing snow at them. The shield was, of course, a snow shovel stuck in the snow bank.
After they got the one shovel in place as the shield, they informed me that I couldn’t hit that shovel with snowballs yet, because I had to knock out the shield generator first. The generator was another shovel, right next to the first one.
I eventually disabled the shield generator, then they gave up because they knew their shield couldn’t last.
You are my hiding place and my shield; I wait for Your word.
Psalm 119:114

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 10:10 pm and has been carefully placed in the Family category.
January 28th, 2011 at 1:35 am
I remember when we were kids and my dad would hook the tobaggon (how do you spell that?) to the ’67 bright orange VW van.
There were 4 of us kids, plus whatever neighborhood kids felt brave.
Dad would slide all over the streets, right and left, fast and slow. The kid in front had to have strong legs as it was their job to keep th tobaggon from sliding under the van when Dad slowed down.
The kids in back had the important job of yelling to Dad whenever we lost a kid or two around a corner.