There was a new font released at Font Grill over the weekend.
It’s called Font13 and it mixes up the letters according to the age-old encryption technique of Rotate-13. It might not be the most practical font, but you never know when someone might have need of it.
For those unfamiliar with rot-13, you could look it up on the internet.
But since you’re already here: remember those old plastic label makers? with the circle of 26 letters that you’d spin around and then press the thing to make the letter you wanted? Pretend the circle thingy was wrong – like someone spun the disc halfway around and the letter is showed was not the letter it made. That’s rot13 – press ‘A’ and get ‘N’, press ‘B’ and get ‘O’, press ‘C’ and get ‘P’, etc.
The font’s a little late for April Fool’s Day, but there’s always next year. Hint: install it on someone else’s computer and set it to the default font for their web browser. Or as the font for Windows’ active window text or menu text or anything else in Display Properties – Appearance – Advanced.
Go view the font page.
for I do not wish to seem as if I would terrify you by my letters.
2 Corinthians 10:9

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:39 pm and has been carefully placed in the Technical category.