Happy Reformation Day
Now that everyone has forgotten about Halloween and moved on to November stuff, it’s time for me to update you on this year’s costumes.
Here are our boys’ costumes:
Toad, from Mario Kart.
A president of the USA. Not any particular president, although it does seem to be modeled after the duck from the Duck for President book.
Gamma was Yoda for the second year in a row. Next year, Delta gets this one and I really need to carry him on my back while I wear a sleeveless tunic thing like I mentioned last year.
He was a mouse. I didn’t get a good picture of him by himself – he was always wrapped in a blanket or something like that.
Some Guy:
I was a Pacman ghost. I did not wear this trick-or-treating. Rather, I had a race the weekend before all the trick-or-treating, and the event encouraged costumes. I wanted a costume that would be of something that should be running or is being chased. Hence, the ghost. Alas, no one in the crowd of runners decided to go as Pac-Man, so the effect was not as apparent.
In case you’re wondering, it’s a piece of blue fabric that’s sewn together to drape over me, and we put some glow-in-the-dark fabric paint for the eyes and mouth.
The Yoda costume was store-bought. Everything else was hand-made to some degree.
You forever overpower him and he departs; You change his appearance and send him away.
Job 14:20

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:34 pm and has been carefully placed in the Family category.