The Three Best Days at Work
In the course of a calendar year, there will be good days at work and bad days at work.
Sometimes, which is which is random – you won’t know ahead of time if it’s going to be a good day or a bad day.
Other times, you know what it’s going to be, based on what is due or which meeting is scheduled for that day.
Over the course of many years in the workplace, I know I can count on these 3 days to be enjoyable.
Before or after July 4th
Depending on what day of the week this holiday falls, people take either the day before or the day after the 4th off. That means a bunch of people are not at work. And that means that you can get done the things that you think are important to get done, without interrupts or re-prioritizations.
After Halloween
The reason this day is good is not because of fewer people. The usual number of people still show up to work this day. No, what makes me look forward to this day is the amount of chocolate that enters the building.
This year, a co-worker brought bags and bags of chocolate because he overestimated the number of trick-or-treaters that would visit his new house. He didn’t want to have to eat all of the extra candy, so he brought it into work. I was glad to help him get rid of it.
Before Christmas
We get a full week off work between Christmas and New Year’s, so everyone is winding things down before the start of Christmas break. That means no one is going to ask you to start anything significant. It’s a relaxing time.
And if you have a good boss, like I had my first year in this job, he will come around some time between lunch and normal quitting time to wish you a merry Christmas. The exchange went a little something like this:
Boss: Are you doing actual work, or are you just filling time until the end of the day?
Underling: I’ve finished all the assigned tasks…
Boss: Go home then, and have a good break.
Underling: Thanks!It doesn’t happen every year, but being dismissed early is a nice touch of the holiday spirit.
Then Joshua dismissed the people, each to his inheritance.
Joshua 24:28

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:30 pm and has been carefully placed in the Life category.
November 17th, 2011 at 8:54 am
LOVE the Christmas break at work!