Warrior Dash 2012 – Photos
Another Warrior Dash has come and gone. I was a little slower in this one, but I’ll blame most of that on the swimming. Last year there was some water but no swimming. This year we had to swim somewhere around 70 yards. And I mean really swim, in that you could not touch the bottom of the lake. That was in running clothes, with running shoes, and after having run for a mile. Even in a swimsuit and not having run, I am not that great of a swimmer.
On the bright side, the swim was a nice cooling-off break from running.
The mud this year seemed thinner. Last year it was more like a milkshake. This year it was more like dirty water. Now I sound like a snob: “The mud was not to my liking.” Don’t get the wrong idea – the race was still fun.
Now on to some pictures:
First order of business at any race is to collect one’s packet. Here’s one of the tents near the packet pick-up.
In the Warrior Dash packet was a fuzzy helmet meant to resemble a Viking helmet. I tried to put it on Alpha, but he refused. I tried to put it on Beta, but he refused. I put it on Gamma, and he kept it on.
Most of the obstacles are not available for the public to see; only the last three are visible.
Obstacle 1: Cargo Climb
Obstacle 2: Warrior Roast
Obstacle 3: Muddy Mayhem
Then, right after Muddy Mayhem, is the finish.
After the finish line, people grab cups of water and start mingling.
After rinsing at the Warrior Wash (essentially a giant sprinkler), I was somewhat cleanish. I changed into a clean shirt and took off my socks and shoes
I threw away my socks and donated my shoes to the charity on site (that wanted old shoes).
The End.
The king is not saved by a mighty army;
A warrior is not delivered by great strength.
Psalm 33:16

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:32 pm and has been carefully placed in the Sports category.