A Very Big Credit Card
While reading a computer/electronics catalog (yes, something I do for fun), I noticed a description of one particular item for sale.
Of course, the catalog tries to hype accurately describe the items for sale. I think they may have been reaching a bit far with this one though.
A video camera the size of a credit card? Now that would be impressive. I’ve seen some things the size of a credit card, like that handy magnifying glass thing that you can fit in your wallet. I’m sorry, but there’s no way that camcorder will fit in my wallet.
And it’s convenient that they have the credit card right next to the camcorder so you can see how close in size they really are. From my perspective though, I’d say the camera is about as large as 50 credit cards.
Giving the copy editors the benefit of the doubt, I will say that I think they meant that the footprint of the camcorder is about the same as the credit card. It occupies the same area, not the same volume. But why stop there? Stand the camcorder on its end and claim that it is smaller than a credit card! That impressive claim would last only as long as it took someone else to stand the credit card on its end…
“You shall do no wrong in judgment, in measurement of weight, or capacity.”
– Leviticus 19:35

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 10:25 pm and has been carefully placed in the Marketing category.
March 12th, 2010 at 3:08 am
You are exactly right, the size of that video cam would be just a hype to attract the buyers, but i would consider your idea that the credit would be as big as the foot print of the cam, not even any cell phones could come up a high density video cam with it’s size ,why should you trust this kind of ad when the possibility of getting the real cam as big as that is too good to be true. Maybe you can just say that you can afford to buy any cam using your credit but not a cam as big as the credit card.