Wonder Pets Save Detroit
(phone ringing, filled with cash)
Rick Snyder, as a guinea pig: The phone, the phone is ringing
Dave Bing, as a duckling: The phone, we’ll be right there
Kevyn Orr, as a turtle: The phone, the phone is ringing
Snyder: There’s a city that’s in trouble
Bing: There’s a city that’s in trouble
Orr: There’s a city that’s in trouble somewhere
Snyder, listening to the phone: A city is in financial ruin!
Picture of a city: It’s awash in red ink!
Bing: Oh, I thought that was blood
Snyder: No, red ink means the city spends more money than it has
Orr: It’s a city… that’s going bankrupt…
Bing: This is sewious
Orr: We have to help them
Snyder: Let’s save the city
All: Let’s save the city
All: Let’s save the city
Snyder: Snyder
Orr: Orr
Bing: And Bing-Bing too
All: We’re Wonder Pets and we’ll help you
Snyder: What’s gonna work?
All: Teamwork
Snyder: What’s gonna work?
All: Teamwork
Detroit City Council: No it’s not
All: Wonder Pets, Wonder Pets, we’re on our way
All: To help the city of Detroit and save the day
Bing: We’re not too big
Orr: And we’re not too tough
All: But when we work together we’ve got the right stuff
All: Go Wonder Pets
All: Yay!
When I started making these pictures, I wasn’t sure how it would turn out. But as soon as I put Rick Snyder’s head on Linny’s body, I knew it would be good. He works very well as a guinea pig.
And it might have worked with another mayor, but having a mayor named Bing is icing on the cake.
Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him; and he became captain over them. Now there were about four hundred men with him.
1 Samuel 22:2
This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:08 am and has been carefully placed in the Current Events category.