VBS for Adults
Kids – do you want a fun, safe place for your parents to play and learn more about God?
Are you concerned about what your parents will do during their vacation days this summer?
Well, your prayers have been answered! We are proud – no, humbled – to introduce to you our church’s Adult VBS Program.
For one week this summer, you can drop your adults off in the morning for hours of songs, snacks, games, and lessons. You will need to pick up your adults by noon (lunch not provided).
No, our church doesn’t really run a vacation Bible school for parents. Sorry to disappoint you. But don’t be too discouraged, because there are places that do. They just don’t call it that.
Every summer, our family spends a week at a place that bills itself as a Bible conference center. That’s a boring title. I decided they should market themselves as “VBS for Adults”. Maybe there should be exclamation points involved somehow. Adults don’t have attention spans like they used to, so extra punctuation helps keep them focused.
The conference center has kids programs – it’s like a cross between summer camp and VBS. And the same applies to adults too. They have tennis courts and shuffleboard and a pool and a beach on a lake. There are contests and activities and crafts for all ages. And services with singing and an offering and a Bible lesson.
My main disappointment is that the adults do not have an offering contest. They need to split up, like boys versus girls. Take the offering in pennies and weigh it and see who wins. But nooooo, they just do dull stuff like checks and receipts for tax deductions.
Another thing I’m going to suggest is that they have off-brand, watered-down coffee for snack time. Each adult gets a small paper cup filled only halfway with coffee. I suggest that only because I don’t drink coffee. Other people might not be as amused by that as I would be.
And golf. I don’t know what the equivalent would be in a child’s VBS program, but they have to involve golf if they want to attract adults these days.
Of course, it wouldn’t be VBS without a theme. Right now it looks like the two most popular are the 401k theme (“God has a wonderful retirement plan for your life”) and the crime drama theme (picture of the empty tomb with the phrase “Crucifixion Scene Investigation” stamped on it).
What other ideas do you have for VBS for adults?
This was a guest post I wrote, intending it for SCL. I think I never actually submitted it, so you got to read it here instead.
The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:02 am and has been carefully placed in the Fun category.
May 8th, 2014 at 10:33 am
I’m guessing the equivalent of golf would be video games for kids. Not just a round of “Wii Sports”, but more like a “I’m going to do a full season of Madden” or “I’m starting Zelda from the beginning.”
I submitted a bunch of stuff for SCL but never would get a reply on it, so I just post them on my own now.
May 9th, 2014 at 7:21 am
Yeah, I didn’t submit this one because he never did anything with the three or so previous guest posts I had sent. Plus he doesn’t post much anymore. I figure he has moved on from SCL, so I will too.
I imagine the video games at VBS would draw in a lot of kids, but might distract them from the lessons.
May 9th, 2014 at 1:10 pm
I love your theme ideas.
May 9th, 2014 at 1:52 pm
VBS doesn’t count if it doesn’t have a theme.