Automatic Football Winner Guesser – Pro Edition
New Webpage Announcement: You can now follow the weekly progress of football game-outcome formulae at Some Fun Site.
Background information: Tuesday Morning Quarterback is a column by Gregg Easterbrook, and he touts the generic formula that Home Team Wins (HTW) is a better predictor of who will win any given football game – better than most polls and experts.
His readers have contributed the Isaacson-Tarbell Postulate (ITP), which states that Better Record Wins, and that is even better than HTW. ITP uses HTW as plan B if the teams have the same record, so the winner of any given football game will be the team with the better record or, if their records are equal, the home team.
TMQ usually includes the HTW and ITP results (how accurate they were) near the end of the season. Readers who are interested in the current results, without waiting for TMQ, can find them over at Some Fun Site. This is currently setup for the NFL only. Adding the stats for college football results is a possibility. Whether it is near future or far future has not yet been determined.
Would that they were wise, that they understood this, That they would discern their future!
Deuteronomy 32:29

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 10:45 pm and has been carefully placed in the Sports category.
November 13th, 2009 at 7:52 pm
[…] a month ago, I announced that I had setup a webpage to track football prediction […]