No Baby Names
For those of you keeping track, you were expecting this week’s post to discuss the most popular baby names of 2019. I know I certainly was.
But, alas, that is yet another effect of the coronavirus – no more baby name lists until further notice. Don’t blame me – that was the decision of the Social Security Administration.
Here is their reason for not fulfilling their annual tradition: “Out of respect and honor for all people and families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the announcement of the 2019 most popular baby names is being rescheduled to a to-be-determined date. ”
Now there are several reasons that would have made sense to me – reduced staff, higher priorities at this time, etc. – but “out of respect and honor”? That does not make sense to me. How are people honored by not being able to see what names are popular? Maybe some medical workers are pregnant and want to check their possible names against the list – how are they respected by withholding the list?
I just don’t get it. Why that reason? Did they not want to tell us the real reason they don’t have the list?
Anyway, my annual post of the real most popular baby names is postponed until the SSA agrees to release their list.
Manoah said to the angel of the Lord, “What is your name, so that when your words come to pass, we may honor you?”
Judges 13:17

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:02 am and has been carefully placed in the Current Events category.
May 16th, 2020 at 3:49 pm
This is brilliant. For the foreseeable future, I will no longer do anything I don’t feel like doing. And I will preface my lack of action with, “Out of respect and honor for all people and families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, I will not be…” I can end that sentence with pretty much anything, and it would make as much sense as, “…doing the popular baby name thing for 2019.”
My family is already tired of my whining about how all the commercials now have a background of somber piano music with every company saying how we’re all going to get through this together and buy their product. If there would be just one company to do a commercial mocking the whole pandering thing, I would immediately buy whatever they were selling.