All-Haiku Bowl Predictions, 2020 Part 1
Based on the popularity existence of last year’s article predicting bowl games in haiku form, I present to you this year’s all-haiku bowl game predictions. Still America’s only all-haiku college football bowl game predictions.
These are listed in order of date (earliest first). Some picks are whom I think will win, and some picks are whom I want to win. I’ll leave it to you, the reader, to decide which is which.
Special note for this year of 2020: I normally made predictions between the last game of the season and the first bowl game, as the selection committee has done its job and all bowl games have picked participants. However, this year the regular season is going later than usual due to late starts and postponements and such, so the first bowl game starts before many conferences have finished their seasons. I will provide the first round of picks this week, for the bowls that have finalized their teams. Then I’ll be providing the remaining picks next week, when everything else should be decided.
Dec. 21st
I know better as
a Michigan fan than to
pick against App. St.
App. St. over N. Texas
Dec. 22nd
I normally cheer
against singular team names,
but that’s both teams here.
Nevada over Tulane
Boca Raton Bowl
This is supposed to
be a quarterback battle.
Might be fun to watch.
UCF over BYU
Dec. 23rd
Two minor-league teams –
this was a tough one to rate.
Strength of schedule?
Georgia So. over La. Tech
Montgomery Bowl
Memphis has beaten
two other Florida teams
so what is one more?
Memphis over FAU
Dec. 24th
Hawaii’s not used
to travelling for their bowl
so I think they’ll lose.
Houston over Hawaii
Dec. 31st
This is the Broncos
versus the other Broncos.
Broncos for the win!
BSU over WMU
Tune in next week for more predictions.
Cursed will be your basket and your kneading bowl.
Deuteronomy 28:17

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 2:44 pm and has been carefully placed in the Sports category.