Delivery Nook
Like everyone else these days, we’re getting a lot of things delivered rather than going to the store to buy them. But with a combination of various personalities of the people doing the delivering, and the layout of our driveway and front walkway, we were never sure where our packages would actually end up.
Our driveway, naturally, ends up at our garage. Some people would park next to the garage, then walk the package across the front of the house to the front porch. They probably do that to keep the package safe from rain/snow/spy satellites/etc. And I appreciated that. But that’s a longer walk than they need to take, and I’d like to help their day go quicker.
Some people would park next to the garage and put the packages on the ground just outside the garage, moreso when the garage door was closed, but also sometimes when it was open. If it was when we were out, there were multiple times when I’d pull up to the garage, stop and get out to move the package, then get back in and pull into the garage.
Then there are the delivery guys (yes it is guys, as the gals all seem to be in the first category of walking it to the front porch) who put the packages inside the garage if the door is open. Sometimes just inside the garage, sometimes behind our minivan, and sometimes halfway in the garage.
So, lots of options where people can and do delivery stuff.
In general, I like to avoid ambiguity. And this situation had some ambiguity that I realized I could prevent. So I did.
I built, right next to our garage door, a package delivery nook thingy.
It has a roof so the conscientious people can leave things there, knowing they’ll be protected from the rain.
And it’s right next to the garage, so the people who don’t want to walk much don’t have to go very far.
And it’s about at the height where the bottom of the box is for someone carrying it with their arms down, so there’s no bending down involved.
And it has a sign, so the people know it’s for them to use.
I put it up, and on the very next delivery the person used it.
Here it is, the first thing delivered to the new package nook:
Now I am happier that things should be delivered more consistently, and I hope the delivery personnel are better off too.
Give us help against the enemy, For deliverance by man is worthless.
Psalm 108:12

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 12:08 pm and has been carefully placed in the Projects category.
October 17th, 2021 at 12:50 am
That’s a fantastic, helpful project! Our packages get left on the front porch, just outside the garage, or on the hockey net inside the garage.