Get Your Own Order
I went out to eat for lunch yesterday. I looked at the menu and picked out what I wanted. The waitress came to take our orders. The guy at the end went first. All standard stuff so far.
Then the guy next to me went. He ordered the same sandwich I had picked for myself. Arrgh…I hate it when that happens.
But that’s okay, because he still has to pick out a side dish. There’s no way he would pick the same side as I.
(And yes, I do try to have good grammar even in my thoughts.)
Then he picked the same side dish that I had chosen.
I was torn, oh so torn, as to whether I should change my order.
I could get the coleslaw instead. That would make it a different order.
But I decided to stick with my original order. And you know what? It tasted just fine and was not affected by the fact that the guy next to me was eating the same thing.
My wife doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal what other people order at the restaurant. I know I’m not the only one like that. It doesn’t matter if the other person knows what I’m ordering (“steals my order” after hearing me order it) or just randomly gets the same thing (as in this case). Either way, I am troubled by it.
But why? I haven’t figured that out yet. Maybe it’s a desire to be unique, to be myself. But why can’t myself be similar to someone else?
Random Life Tip : When you put dishes away from the dishwasher, unload the bottom rack first before even pulling out the top rack. If, just hypothetically speaking here, there were a bowl in the top rack that was upside-up and so it got filled with water because it couldn’t drain, you wouldn’t want that bowl to spill water all over the formerly-dry dishes in the bottom rack. Not that it would ever happen to me.
As for you, take for yourself some of all food which is edible, and gather it to yourself; and it shall be for food for you and for them.
Genesis 6:21

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:45 am and has been carefully placed in the Food category.
October 27th, 2009 at 9:38 pm
Learned that life-tip here quickly. Top rack doesn’t really dry. So it doesn’t take a upside-right bowl: anything other than a perfectly round surface holds water, which then splashes out when we open the top.
October 29th, 2009 at 10:16 am
“But why can’t myself be similar to someone else?”
Please tell me this grammar was used intentionally!
October 29th, 2009 at 11:29 am
Yes, it was written that way intentionally. Thanks for noticing.