Various and Sundry Thoughts

Here are some thoughts I jotted down that aren’t quite sufficient for their own individual blog posts. If you’re the type of person who likes Twitter, pretend each of these is a tweet.

  • A bird in the hand is no longer worth two in the bush. I checked, and a bird in the hand is now worth 32 birds in the bush. The phrase is a few hundred years old, so it should be adjusted for today’s cost of living.
  • It seems to me there is a penny-wise/pound-foolish mentality for people who refuse to eat any GMO food but then go ahead and inject a GMO Covid shot into their body. As far as I can tell, neither one will modify your own genetics.
  • What is the correct past tense of the phase “you snooze, you lose” – you snoozed you losed, or you snost you lost?
  • I would love to be the receptionist at the doctor’s or dentist’s office (or any other place that still asks Covid-screening questions), because I would throw on at the end “Did you pack your own bags and have they been with you the entire time?”. One, it would check if people are paying attention or if they’re just answering “no, no, no” to the Covid questions (like I usually do), and two, it would highlight the ineffectiveness of that class of questions. I might as well say to the person “If you say ‘no’ then you get to enter here, if you say ‘yes’ then you don’t. What would you like to say?”
  • It seems to be a habit of some people to have a list of potential band names. I have no plans to start a band, but my favorite potential band name is “St. Vincent and the Grenadines”.

Save yourself like a gazelle from the hunter’s hand, And like a bird from the hand of the fowler.

Proverbs 6:5

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:45 am and has been carefully placed in the Ponder category.

2 Responses to “Various and Sundry Thoughts”

  1. js Says:

    I don’t know what Twitter is, but:

    1) I think the ratio is still probably the same. Because this formula should be constant through time: PV=FV/(1+i)^n

    2) My favorite are the multiple people I’ve seen wearing masks outside by themselves crossing busy LA streets against the lights with their faces buried in their phones. So you’re worried about breathing air from someone 200 yards away from you, but you’re not worried blindly walking into oncoming traffic going 40 MPH across several lanes.

    3) There is no past tense. That’s my vote.

    4) Objection: compound question.

    5) I turn things into band names more than I should. For example, I think “a habit of some people” would catch on as a band name.

  2. Jeff Says:

    Band name: St. Kitts and Nevis

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