Skating at the Ribbon
Every year we go ice skating in the winter. We usually hit up an ice rink during the holidays with family. And then when our pond freezes the boys will go out there some times and skate.
And we did all those things this year, but then we also made a trip to Toledo. Toledo has a fun place called The Ribbon.
The Ribbon is a skating path. Here is what it looks like from above:
They have roller skating in the summer and ice skating in winter. It is cooled, so they can keep it frozen throughout the winter season even if the temperature goes above freezing.
And there is a slight elevation change, just a few feet overall and gradual. It’s most noticeable on the back stretch coming back to the rink, where you don’t need to do anything because gravity propels you down the path. Not too fast, but enough that you can stand on the skates and keep going.
The skating path is wide enough for 3 people, which is good because couples tend to skate together and you still have room to pass them.
And they have a nice firepit in the middle of one of the arms, so you can take a break and warm up if you want.
And if you want to host a party, you can rent a cabana. When we were there, we saw a couple of cabanas rented, with people hanging out. Plus some people had roasting forks with marshmallows, so I’m guessing the cabana rental includes an option for smores.
And then for those who don’t like the contraints of The Ribbon, it is attached to a small rink.
It’s a nice little respite from The Ribbon, in that you can stop and not be in anyone’s way.
I chose the above photo because it shows the decorative tower between the rink and the river. I’m guessing it looks better at night.
The Ribbon is 1000 yards long, so about 2/3 of a mile. It didn’t seem that long because it loops back on itself so everything always seems close.
There is a natural ice path (not refrigerated, so it’ll melt on sunny days) in Muskegon at the luge adventure sports park. That one is only 1/4 mile long, but it is in the pine forest and is a little more spread out. I haven’t been to that one, but it’s another option.
Then of course there are a bunch of ice skating paths in Canada. And in looking up these places, I found a place that makes them. So you can petition your own city to install an ice skating path.
You indeed put them on slippery ground; You dropped them into ruin.
Psalm 73:18

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:17 am and has been carefully placed in the Travel category.