Happy New Year 2020
Since today is New Year’s Day, I won’t take much of my time to write anything lengthy here.
I am posting this public service reminder that new decades start with years ending in 1, so the 203rd decade starts next year. 2020 is the last year of the 202nd decade.
But most people don’t want to think too much about what things should be and just go along with the crowds, because they also misunderstand the meaning of the phrase “wisdom of crowds”. But I already posted about that earlier, so you can go read about the wisdom of crowds if you want.
So most people just think that when the tens place changes in the year it must be a new decade. And if most people think that, then that becomes the new definition of the decade, just like if enough people use a word to mean something that it doesn’t mean, it magically gains that meaning and becomes correct, like “momentarily”. I think I’m done fighting the decade thing though. And “momentarily”. Not that I won’t bring it up occasionally, and especially if asked – but I’ll try not to make a big deal of it.
And while we’re dealing with word definitions, “ain’t” is the right word to use in certain places. It’s correct following “I” but not “it” or “they”. People just hear it used and try to use it without thinking about it or knowing what it means or how it got here. And no, I’m not telling you.
It came about after these things that Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, being one hundred and ten years old.
Joshua 24:29