Bedtime Snack
We recently had the award night, last night of the school year, for our church’s Awana program. That went well and was done shortly after 8 PM. We then walked down the street, about three buildings away from the church, to the local store and got some ice cream. Each child got a soft-serve cone. They ate those, then we got in the minivan and drove home, arriving around 9 PM. Then it was bath time, one child at a time. At 10:00, they were still jumping around, not exhibiting any signs of sleepiness.
Finally, after some bedtime books, the younger one was asleep at 10:30 and the older one was asleep around 11:00, about 2 hours after his normal bedtime. They woke up at 7:30 the next morning, so my wife didn’t even get to sleep in to make up for the late night.
Conclusion: Do not give children large ice cream cones within an hour of their expected bedtime.
“I will not give sleep to my eyes Or slumber to my eyelids,”
– Psalm 132:4