Archive for September 15th, 2008

Blue Recap, Week 3

This was not the best week in college football, but it ended on a positive note.

As a Michigan fan, I was disappointed by the final score of the Michigan-Notre Dame game.  Michigan looked incompetent as they fumbled a few times and gave ND some free touchdowns. But there is hope, because if just a couple things had been different (the return man actually catches the ball and so ND does not score then), the score could have been much closer.  And it is even realistic to expect that those couple of things could change – catching kick-offs with a wet football is easily practiced.

An optimistic fan could even conceive a scenario in which Michigan had won the game: if Michigan didn’t give the ball to ND near the 10 yard line twice, then we could take away two touchdowns, so the final score would be 17-21. And if one of those Michigan possessions had been a touchdown for Michigan, the final score becomes 24-21. Go Blue!

As a Michigan fan, I was appointed (the opposite of disappointed) by the final score of the Southern California-Ohio State game. Ohio State didn’t look incompetent, just overmatched. Whereas Michigan’s game could have been different if you change two or three plays, the OSU game had really no chance of being any different.

It is interesting to contrast the opening ceremonies of the two teams in the USC-OSU. Which team do you take more seriously: the team who starts by stabbing midfield with a sword, or the team who starts by spelling “Ohio”?

I definitely don’t expect that Michigan would be able to do very well against USC either. But it is comforting to have one of Michigan’s rivals lose. It makes it a lot easier to meet an OSU fan on Monday morning when, although Michigan lost by 18, OSU lost by 32.

“All my enemies will be ashamed and greatly dismayed; They shall turn back, they will suddenly be ashamed.”
– Psalm 6:10