Archive for October 3rd, 2008

Orchard Excitement

A couple of weeks ago, we went to a local orchard to pick raspberries and apples.  There is not much in food-land that is better than fresh raspberries.  Good fresh blueberries may come close, but raspberries are the winner.

ripe, juicy raspberries

Afterward, while my wife was paying for things at the orchard store, I took the kids to the playground.  They went first to a kid-sized wooden train – the type that they can climb in and play on but it doesn’t go anywhere.  I thought it looked like a good place for pictures, so I asked the kids to look at me and smile.  The oldest child was not cooperating – he was holding his hand and making an unhappy face.  So I asked him what was wrong and he said “Owie” (or is that spelled “owee”?).  That’s all he would say, repeatedly.

I noticed things flying around him, so I told both of them to get out of the train and come over by me.  The hurt child asked me what they were, so I looked and said they were wasps.  At that point, he realized that he had been stung by a wasp and he started crying in earnest.  So picture time was over as soon as it had started, kind of like the season for the (insert name of losing team here).

My wife had bought cider and doughnuts at the orchard store, so when we walked over to her, each child had a cup of cider and a doughnut waiting for him.  That helped calm everyone down.  She asked why all the fuss, so I explained what happened, and she went back into the store to get some ice.

angry wasps at their nest

While she was in there, she told the workers what had happened.  Not long after she brought the ice back, we saw one worker drive by in a Gator-type vehicle, carrying a can of Raid.  Then another worker walked by, carrying a can of wasp spray.  There were a few people doing nothing but taking care of wasps, it looked like.  So that seemed like good customer service response at least.

“Then God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, {and} fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them”; and it was so.”
– Genesis 1:11