What Do You Want Me To Do? Part 2
It’s Christmas time, and although some things change on radio stations, some things remain the same – like advertisements.
There are plenty of stores and businesses advertising their wares. But I heard one ad recently that had me wondering why that company was running that ad.
It was for the company that owns the electrical transmission lines – the big wires on the tall metal structures. This is not the electric company. I, as a normal consumer, can’t buy their services. But they are advertising over the airwaves to thousands of people who are meaningless to them. When I heard their ad, I was curious to know why they were spending money to tell me that it is they who own the high-voltage wires.
At least they improved on the JLTV ads – this company told me what they wanted me to do. When I see the Christmas lights on their towers, I am to remember them. That’s what the ad said. I am to think of them, think of them fondly, when I see their towers. Maybe not those exact words, but that’s the concept.
I have noticed one tower that had Christmas lights on it, and I did remember who it was who told me it is their tower. But what effect did my thought at that moment have on their bottom line?
I can imagine that meeting: “Boss, I have a great idea: we’ll run ads and tell people to think of us. If we get enough people, even though they have nothing to do with our business, that will improve our cash flow and profits through the power of positive thinking!”
I’m sure there is some reason, such as an unfinished quote or a bid on some new business. But since I don’t know what that is, I will just make fun of the ad. Or maybe they want you to buy their stock. If so, that’s a very subliminal way to do that.
“Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.”
– Genesis 40:23