Family Conversations
Here are some recent conversations with our kids:
Three-year-old, holding a piece of paper that was cut out to be a person: “I can’t talk!”
Me: “If you can’t talk, how’d you say that?”
Him: “I don’t know!”
The best part about that conversation was that he had this fake voice, pretending to be the paper guy the whole time. And he was moving it in front of his face.
On another evening, I was reading a book of farmyard animals to our 3-year-old. I asked “Do you know what baby pigs are called?” He answered “No“, so I replied “Piglets.”
The next page had puppies. I asked “Do you know what baby dogs are called?” He answered “Doglets“. He catches on quickly.
Try talking to a 5-year-old when you have the hiccups:
“Pick that up, off the fl-HHHK-oor”
“Daddy, you said ‘fl-HK-oor!‘”
“Please hand me that pa-HHHK-per.”
“Ha-ha, you said ‘pa-HK-per!‘”
Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all the unfortunate.
Proverbs 31:8