Archive for January 16th, 2009

Don’t Waste Your Shower

As it is frigid outside and the furnace is running much of the time, we use humidifiers.  We have a couple of stand-alone units that spend most of the year in the garage.  But they are back in the bedrooms, helping keep people from drying out.

Just about everyone has at least one humidifier in his house.  It’s called a shower.

I leave the bathroom door open when taking a shower.  What do we want in winter?  Warm moist air.  What is in the bathroom during a shower? Warm, moist air.  Why run the bathroom fan and send all that good air outside, just so you have to run the furnace some more to replace that warm air that left the house?  Send all the humidified air to the other parts of the house instead.

On a somewhat related note: why does the garage freezer run when it is below freezing outside?  We have a freezer in our unheated garage.  The temperature in the garage has been well below freezing during the previous two weeks, but I would go into the garage for something and the freezer would be running sometimes.  I’m tempted to unplug it and leave it open during the winter.

While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease.

Genesis 8:22