Archive for April 23rd, 2009

Family Conversations, Part 3

Here are some more conversations that the children had recently:

Growing Up

Someday I will be taller than mama.
“Yes, someday.”
And I will be taller than you.
“Oh, maybe. If you keeping eating your food, then you’ll keep growing.”
No daddy, that’s only at birthdays!” (that you grow)

Zero is the New Thirty

The oldest has taken to adding 30 to all the kids ages, so they’re comparable to our (his parents’) ages. But he leaves our ages intact. I suppose it’s a good thing that he doesn’t add to those.

5-year-old: “I’m 35, you’re 33, you’re 33, and the baby is 30.
(One of the 33s was for me and the other one was for the 3-year-old. But the 3-year-old disagreed with the baby’s new age)

3-year-old: “No, he’s thirty-zero.

For length of days and years of life And peace they will add to you.

Proverbs 3:2