Farewell Analog
Ah yes, the long-awaited digital TV deadline is here – June 12, 2009. Although Congress does have about 30 more minutes to act to delay it again, I think they won’t bother.
A few months ago, people were concerned for the 7 million viewers who had not updated their TVs yet, and thus would lose their all-important TV viewing rights. Now, there are still over 2 million people who do not have the capability to watch digital TV (as they have only the analog receiver) and who will therefore not be able to watch TV tomorrow.
These 2 million people include the same poor, elderly, and minorities who were in the 7 million group. Why is Congress not fighting for these people anymore? Have they slipped through the cracks? Does the federal government have a disaster-preparedness plan for June 13, when all these people will be TV-less?
On a somewhat related note: I wonder how many people will check the old analog stations tomorrow just to see if they have really stopped transmitting…
Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps the law.
Proverbs 29:18