Archive for February 15th, 2010

Word Find Generator

New Webpage Announcement: You can now generate your own word-find puzzles at Some Fun Site.

Background Information: I always liked it in school when the teacher would want to fill some time and gave us the word find-type puzzles. So, many years later, I made a computer program (VB, for Windows 3.1) that would make a puzzle based on words that the user provided. It randomly picked layouts and directions and tried to fit the words in the given size.

Now, about a decade after I made that program, I finally ported the word search code over to a web page. There are some things to be tweaked, such as setting up a decent print page or providing better error handling if the person types too many words for the size of the puzzle.

In case you can’t tell, Some Fun Site is a close relative (cousin, I think) of Some Blog Site.

For he has not arranged his words against me, Nor will I reply to him with your arguments.

Job 32:14