Archive for August 5th, 2010

A Trip to the Beach

At the risk of alienating my remaining readers with yet another recap of my family’s vacation, I am writing a recap of yet another family vacation. But don’t worry, this is a different kind of recap: little text and many photos.

About halfway between now and the last trip, we visited Lake Michigan for a week. The part of Lake Michigan we visited just happened to be connected to Maranatha.

Background Note (for those unfamiliar with Maranatha): The full name is Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference. The way I usually describe it is that it is somewhere between a resort and a campground. Or VBS for adults.

Now on to the recap:
We went to the beach

picture of the Lake Michigan beach at Maranatha

and dug holes

picture of a child digging a hole at the Lake Michigan beach at Maranatha

and chased seagulls

picture of a child chasing seagulls at the Lake Michigan beach at Maranatha

and went for long walks on the beach.

picture of mother and child walking on the Lake Michigan beach at Maranatha

Beta and I played shuffleboard

picture of a child playing shuffleboard

while Alpha painted some crafts

picture of a child filling a paint tray

There were sunsets over the lake.

picture of a sunset at the Lake Michigan beach at Maranatha

And we finished out the week with the kids’ program, where they recited the verse they learned that week and performed the song (with motions of course) that they also learned that week.

picture of the kids' program final night at Maranatha

Oh, and here is the view out our front door, over the balcony.

picture of the back of the Lodge at Maranatha

And here are the views to the left and right on the balcony. No, I did not make a panorama shot.
picture of the balcony of the Duneside Apartments at Maranathapicture of the balcony of the Duneside Apartments at Maranatha

And there was a lot of preaching. Ron Zappia was a good speaker to have that week. Or any week, for that matter. But I don’t have pictures of any of the sessions because that would be a little rude to be taking pictures during what is essentially a church service.

Conclusion: Everyone had fun (and plenty of ice cream) and no one ever wants to leave Maranatha. But leave we did. Of course, as we did after our trips to Boise and to Wisconsin, we stopped at Bob Evans for lunch on the way home. Now it’s tradition.

The end.

(Well, almost the end. There are two more smaller blog posts planned. Stay tuned.)

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16