Archive for August 9th, 2010

Tree Climbers Guild

I was reminiscing about my early years in college and thought I would look up what the internet had to say about the band Tree Climbers Guild. Since there was no information out there, I get to write something. Now whatever I write will become the definitive guide to TCG.


Tree Climbers Guild was an award-winning band from Cedarville College in the mid 1990s.

The award was the Alpha Chi talent show, in case you were curious. Might not matter to anyone outside of the Cedarville family, but it was a big deal back then. It propelled TCG to fame and fortune. The fortune was, if I remember correctly, $100 for winning the talent show. TCG then put that $100 into studio time, produced an album, and sold a bunch of cassettes.

It had to be in the dozens, maybe even hundreds.

Here is their debut album: conclusion of the matter

picture of the Tree Climbers Guild cassette tape

I think that was their only album. The artwork, in case you can’t quite make it out, is a tombstone with a rose lying across the grave bed.

Here is the side of the cassette tape:

picture of the Tree Climbers Guild cassette tape

And here is the back of the tape:

picture of the Tree Climbers Guild cassette tape

Here is the outside of the album cover/liner thing:

picture of the Tree Climbers Guild cassette tape

And here is the inside, the liner notes and all the lyrics:

picture of the Tree Climbers Guild cassette tape liner notes

I am not going to type out the lyrics (go on, click on the picture to enlarge it and read for yourself), but here are all the song titles (aka discography, although it might be more appropriate to call it a cassettography or a tapography):

Side 1

  • ghost of the coyote
  • flight of the unsure soul
  • never ending dream
  • you are not
  • the hungry sea
  • as we stand

Side 2

  • maybe tomorrow
  • seventeen to my plateau
  • silver burning
  • foreign ground
  • conclusion of the matter
  • evening reverie

Bonus feature:
Riding on the coattails of the success of TCG was Somewhere In a Box. Since that tape was next to TCG in my collection, I will post its pictures here for fun.

picture of the Somewhere in a Box cassette tape

picture of the Somewhere in a Box cassette tape

The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.

Ecclesiastes 12:13