Archive for November 4th, 2010

No Blog is Better

I’m amused by an advertisement on the radio. It’s an ad for a certain medical clinic. (I’m not mentioning the name so as not to give them free ad space and because I can’t remember it right now.)

They want you to come visit their advanced facilities. They want you to get medical care there, because (they claim) they have the best doctors and equipment. They have the best treatment program for whichever conditions are their specialties.

Anyway, here’s (approximately) how the ad ends:

No program comes close to ours, and no program is better for you.

Let’s take it one section at a time, although they’re both related.

No program comes close to ours
That means that they’re only slightly better than nothing. In other words, their program is close to nothing.

No program is better for you.
That means that you are better off doing nothing than going to their clinic. In other words, I can use no program or I can use their program. They’re telling me that no program is a better choice, so I’ll go with no program.

Not quite what they had in mind, I bet.

I’ve started seeing this (or a similar) slogan other places, now that I’ve started looking for it – no (insert type of product) is better than ours is.

“But how should it be worded?” you may be wondering. Other people are wondering, “Why do you even care about this stuff?” Really, though, it doesn’t matter what you’re wondering. Here’s my recommendation: Use the word “other”. (i.e. No other program is better for you.) Not perfect, but it improves it.

Bad: No one can do what we do.
Good: No one else can do what we do.

I think you get the idea.

They speak mere words, With worthless oaths they make covenants; And judgment sprouts like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.

Hosea 10:4