Archive for November 8th, 2010

Family Conversations, Part 13

Here are three conversation snippets from the last month or so. It might give you a good idea of how things are around here.

Bad Crayons

Wife, while we were waiting for our food at a restaurant: If only he used his crayons for good

That Gamma is one busy boy. We have to watch him a lot more carefully than we did the other two. My favorites are the restaurants that just cover their tables in a gigantic sheet of paper so that it doesn’t matter if the kids don’t stay on the place-mat/menu. This was not one of those restaurants.

Loose Parts

Me: Beta, do you have any loose teeth?
Beta: No, but my eye is loose.

I think it wasn’t actually loose, but I didn’t wiggle it because I didn’t want to find out.

A Salami Idea

Here’s one half of a conversation.

Me: I bet it would, but no, we are not going to find out if salami can stick to walls.

I’ll let you figure out the other half.

You have heard that it was said, ‘ AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.’

Matthew 5:38