Archive for January 3rd, 2011

Rodriguez or Obama?

I figured this is an opportune time to discuss Rich Rod. Or at least some things about him. Or at least just mention Rich Rodriguez because everyone else is doing that today.

For some reason, I got the idea to compare and contrast Rodriguez’ stint as the Michigan football coach with Obama’s stint as the President of the United States.

For each item below, please mark whether it applies to Rodriguez (R) or Obama (O):

  1. Appealed to the younger crowd
  2. Was very polarizing – most people were either very for or very against him
  3. Took over a program that was in decent, but not great, shape
  4. Was brought in to shake things up a bit – change from the traditional ways of doing things
  5. Neglected the duties of his prior job in order to transition to his new job
  6. Brought in his own people as assistants
  7. He had great plans and had great potential, but reality didn’t cooperate
  8. In fact, the program got worse under his watch
  9. Read fine from a teleprompter but said some controversial things in unscripted moments
  10. Tried to make some shady deals and brought fraud to a previously clean program
  11. The other power in the organization was replaced during his term and caused him to reconsider his ways
  12. Believed you don’t need much of a defense
  13. Didn’t care much for the kicking game either

Can you think of any other quiz questions about Rich Rodriguez or Barack Obama?

To what then shall I compare the men of this generation, and what are they like?

Luke 7:31