Guess Hu
Last year, our kids received the game Guess Who by Milton Bradley and/or Hasbro.
For those not familiar with the game, you need some context. Guess Who involves guessing which character the other person has chosen. Each player starts with the same pool of people. By asking yes-or-no questions (“Does your person have a beard?”), you eliminate groups of characters and are eventually left with one person.
The game necessarily has a limited number of characteristics – too much diversity and it would be hard to eliminate groups of characters. The people have two skin tones – light/dark or black/white or whatever/whatever.
Since my family is half Asian, one thing that I noticed while my kids were playing the game is that there are no Asians in the game. The European features are represented and the African features are represented, but there are no Oriental features.
To remedy this oversight, I have produced an new version of Guess Who. I call it “Guess Hu”.
Feel free to print out these sheets and use them the next time you play Guess Who.
View Guess Hu Sheet (or click on the image below)
As for their appearance, all four of them had the same likeness, as if one wheel were within another wheel.
Ezekiel 10:10