Archive for January 13th, 2011

Real Mexican Food

The handy-dandy pack of coupons and phamphlets that is mailed to everyone on our postal route about once a month arrived recently. In it was an advertisement for a local Mexican restaurant:

picture of flyer from Mexican restaurant

If you are like me, you immediately noticed the headline:

picture of flyer from Mexican restaurant

I know there are blogs dedicated to the misuse of quotation marks, and I’m not trying to compete with them. But it appears they will not be running out of material anytime soon.

Why is it “real” and not just real?

If I had to put quotes around one word, I would have chosen Mexican. Because we have never seen any Mexicans in that restaurant, either working or eating.

Real “Mexican” Food sounds better, and is closer to the truth, than “Real” Mexican Food.

Worst of all is Real Mexican “Food”. Do not eat at that place.

And He said to them, “Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him,

Mark 7:18