Archive for March 28th, 2011

Dora Dora Dora the Explorer

My kids went through a relatively quick Dora the Explorer phase. Their Star Wars phase has lasted much longer. But Dora is innocent enough, although they repeat things so much that I cannot forget them now. For example, to get to the end, we need to find forest, cornfield, tallest mountain!

Anyway, I noticed one marketing partnership that has not been realized yet. Ford has created limited-edition vehicles in partnership with Harley Davidson, and a concept truck with Tonka, but why nothing with Nickelodeon?

Today we’re going on an adventure! To get there safely, we need to travel in our Ford Explorer. Can you help me? To start the SUV, you need to say arrancar. Ready?

You did it! You did it! You figured it out!

picture of Dora the Explorer driving a Ford Explorer

Boots is in the back, buckled safely in his car seat.
Swiper is on the other side of the vehicle, stealing the rims.

He explores the mountains for his pasture And searches after every green thing.

Job 39:8