Being Socially Responsible
Much of the discussion about being socially responsible relates to corporations’ actions. (e.g. “What can this company do to improve its social responsibility?”)
But what about personal social responsibility? Why is that not a larger topic?
Here is a list of some things I see as what a socially responsible person does. I will attempt to instill these in my children as parts of a civilized society. This is just what people are supposed to do. These are not necessarily rules, but I know I would rather live in a community where these were practiced more often than not.
- Look at the person to whom you are speaking
- Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing
- Offer your chair to the elderly (or to a lady if you’re a gentleman)
- Address elders as Mr., Mrs., or Sir, Ma’am
- Say please, thank you, and you’re welcome
- Use a salutation or valediction when meeting or departing from someone (say hello or good-bye)
- Be able to apologize
- Chew with your mouth closed
- Say excuse me when appropriate
- Hold doors open for others
- Find the end of the line and wait in it
- Watch your language
- Ladies should be served before gentlemen
- Offer to help if you see someone in need
In the old days, these things were known as manners or maybe even common courtesy. I guess they fell out of favor and need a new buzzword (i.e. social responsibility) to become popular again.
Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.
Luke 6:31