As is my habit during breakfast, I was perusing the cereal boxes at the table.
Various cereal companies have taken to highlighting random nutritional facts at the top of the front of the box. This particular box was no exception.
I was surprised to see that this company has decided to change the symbol for iron.

As anyone who made it through high school should know, the symbol for iron is Fe, not Ir.
This cereal is unknowingly touting its content of iridium. Since iridium is very rare, this must be some special cereal.
They also got the symbol for zinc wrong, but Z is not used for anything else. Z versus Zn is not as obvious as Ir versus Fe.
Maybe they thought people were uneducated and wouldn’t know that Fe means iron. Well then, cereal company, this is your opportunity to improve the world a little. Provide that edumacation that the people need instead of furthering their ignorance.
Looking at the nutrition information, I’m wondering why they chose to tout zinc as high-content.

It’s not like zinc has a higher percentage than most of the other items. Iron does, so I can understand that. But so does folate. Why doesn’t folate get recognized?
Maybe the marketing group or box designers thought people want zinc.
I’d rather have iridium.
Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Posted in Marketing | 4 Comments »
It’s September, the start of the fall quarter. Time for me to update the theme on this blog.
As is usual, it’s not really a new theme – all I did was replace the images.
Anyway, here’s a slightly new look. Expect some tweaks in the days to come.
For you will be like an oak whose leaf fades away Or as a garden that has no water.
Isaiah 1:30
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Welcome SCL fans!
It’s fun being an SCL guest post-er; I’m wondering what to do to live up to the hype.
I got nothing.
Maybe not nothing – I can point you to the welcome post I put together about a year ago when Jon ran my first guest post.
And for those of you who are reading this but don’t read SCL: I invite you to go read my guest post about Christianizing TV shows.
The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit.
Ecclesiastes 7:8
Posted in Current Events | 5 Comments »
With the raspberry picking out of the way, we decided to go peach picking. I took the 3 older boys to an area farm and sprayed them well with insect repellent (the farm doesn’t use pesticides so that they can be certified as natural or organic or whatever).
I inquired at the weigh station about peaches and was told that the next group would go out in about 10 minutes. We could either wait or we could go pick raspberries until then. It didn’t matter to me, so I took a vote among the boys and it was 2-1 in favor of raspberries. So off we went.
This time, they all liked picking raspberries and did a fine job of doing so.

We had a couple of buckets, so we had some sharing issues
(3 boys – 2 buckets = 1 child complaining about not having a bucket).
Posted in Food | 3 Comments »
It’s time for another quiz. Follow the conversation below, then answer the question after. Yes, I realize the topic of the conversation is several months old; just pretend you’re back in March of 2011.
W: Kate Middleton and Prince William have been together for 8 years and they’re getting married in April.
H: How’d they meet?
W: Art class or something
H: Let me guess – she would love him even if he weren’t a prince?
W: Yep.
H: And would you love me even if I weren’t a prince?
What answer should the wife give?
A. Well you’re certainly no prince.
B. I love you no matter what.
C. You’ll always be my prince.
D. Would I what?
Posted in Life | 4 Comments »
A couple of years ago, I accidentally discovered that Tomcat mouse traps are better than d-Con mouse traps.
This weekend, I discovered that Real-Kill glue traps are even worse than d-Con traps. I tried to find a website for the Real-Kill brand so that I could link to it, but I couldn’t. The fine print on the box says that it is distributed by Realex, a division of United Industries Corp., but their website doesn’t claim Realex as a brand. Oh well.
Just so you know why I say to use the Tomcat glue traps: I’ve never had a Tomcat trap that let me down. If a mouse ever visits a Tomcat trap, he’s done.
On the other hand, a mouse can visit a Real-Kill glue trap and not even know anything was wrong:

The peanut butter in the middle of the trap is gone. I assume the mouse enjoyed eating that. And the glue trap’s only accomplishment is recording the footprints of the mouse so I can see where he sat while he ate the bait.
What good is that?
Here’s a photo of the front of the box, so you can know what to avoid:

Look how happy that mouse is, sitting on the glue trap. That’s because he knows he’ll be able to leave once the photo shoot is done.
The two key points of the product, according to the packaging:
- Non-toxic
Definitely! No harm caused to the mouse at all!
- Easy Disposal
Right again! It’s very easy to throw away an empty trap – it’s light and compact!
Once again, I wasn’t planning on writing a review of mouse traps. But I knew I had to post something when I saw mouseprints on the trap.
Note: the glob of peanut butter was missing from the other trap that same night, so I know it wasn’t just one bad trap.
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper And from the deadly pestilence.
Psalm 91:3
Posted in Mishaps | 4 Comments »
There are still a few Warrior Dashes left to be run this year, so maybe this post on how to train for Warrior Dash will be helpful to some people.
Before my race, I was wondering things like “What are the obstacles going to be like?” and “What should I be doing to get ready for Warrior Dash?”
The official WD website said basically not to worry about the obstacles and just be able to run a 5k. It used to say something like “run as far as you can” for training. It looks like they have updated it since then, and now it has an official plan. It has a running part and a strength training part, but no obstacle part. That’s where I come in.
Posted in Sports | 1 Comment »