That’s probably going to be a problem in his line of work.
Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be so, then do this: take some of the best products of the land in your bags, and carry down to the man as a present, a little balm and a little honey, aromatic gum and myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds.
Genesis 43:11
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Children can be creative. It is my job as a parent to teach them to behave properly without squashing their spirit. It is a fine line between those two ideas sometimes.
Here are some Things I Have Said Recently:
- No jumping in the restaurant. And no cannonballs in the restaurant either.
- Get that straw out of there! We don’t drink through our noses.
- Do not use the spaghetti as dental floss.
- The spaghetti is not a jump-rope either.
- and the ever popular The water needs to stay in the bathtub.
so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need.
1 Thessalonians 4:12
Posted in Conversations | 1 Comment »
I was visiting a building that had a large bird cage in the lobby. Not a huge cage, but bigger than your average birdcage. I thought about how it would be nice for the birds to have some more room so they could fly a decent distance instead of just flitting back and forth.
You know those restaurants that have a model train circling the dining area? Usually above everyone’s heads? Our kids love those restaurants. I got to thinking about combining a bird cage with the concept of something encircling a room.
What if the bird cage circled the lobby? It would be like a track for birds. A long, circular cage would let them fly at top speeds.
I sketched up a prototype, although this one is too small. The poor bird would always be turning. And you’d have to teach him to alternate directions so that his wings would stay even.

But a cage that big would cost a lot.
And be a pain to install.
And be a bigger pain to clean.
So I came up with a better plan.
This one was inspired not by the average treadmill, but by those endless pools. You know, the individual-sized pool that lets you swim without travelling. Same concept as a treadmill, but for swimming instead of running. Apply that to flying, and you get…
The Birdmill

A compact way to house your pet and allow him to exercise to his heart’s content.
I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.
Psalm 55:6
Posted in Ponder | 1 Comment »

(President Obama is speaking in front of a flag)
“My administration will be the most open, honest, and accountable government ever.”
“I’ll make our government open and transparent, starting with me.”
“Am I making myself clear?”
For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things have been created through Him and for Him.
Colossians 1:16
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Before I start this recap of how I installed my ROFL, I should inform you that ROFL stands for Reverse Osmosis FiLter.
Some of you may recall that we had an iron filter installed several weeks ago. That improved the general quality of the water, but I wanted to ensure that I wouldn’t need to buy bottled water anymore.
So I bought a reverse osmosis filter.
The whole system was about $170. Since bottled water is $5 per case of 24 and we went through about a case a week, it will take 34 weeks to break even. Plus I won’t have to lug those cases home from the store, and I won’t have to take the recycling out every week.
The installation is easy, in theory. When you’re dealing with an old house, nothing goes quite as simply as you hope.
On to the tutorial:
This post will tell you how to install a reverse osmosis filter. Or rather, how I installed mine.
Posted in Projects | 3 Comments »
This is one of the first papers that Alpha brought home from school this year. I’m guessing it was when the teacher was reviewing the rules for the classroom.

I’m glad they start with the basics, although I wonder what rules 1-23 are.
But we discussed this rule at home and we had to amend it, or modify it. Because there are more things on which to stand that aren’t chairs. Like tables, or siblings.
Now in our home, the rule is no standing on anything that’s not the floor.
I reserve the right to update that rule as needed. Because I’m sure they’ll find a way around it (such as “I’m not standing – I’m jumping!”).
Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.
1 Corinthians 10:12
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