Archive for February 14th, 2012

Life with Gamma

This episode involves Gamma. Enjoy!

I: Don’t tickle his eyes!
I think I was worried that someone’s cornea would be scratched. Sometimes the kids don’t know how to be gentle.

Gamma: When my head gets bigger it will look like your head
I: Yes, when you grow up, that should be the case.
Fans of Space Ghost Cartoon Planet should be thinking of a certain skit right now…

Gamma: Mommy, I put my finger in the plug and it didn’t hurt.
Thanks a lot, whichever children’s book had the lesson about not touching outlets. Now my child will doubt any other warnings we may give him. I can guess his future:
“Look, I’m reading in the dark and my eyes don’t hurt!”
“Hey, I ran with scissors and nothing happened!”
“I played ball in the street and no cars hit me.”
It’s all about risk, son, and probabilities.

Scene: the dinner table, with everyone eating nicely
Gamma: I making water!
I look over and see that he has a fistful of ground beef and he is squeezing it so that the grease drips on the table. Exclamations and a hasty clean-up commence.

You have crowned the year with Your bounty, And Your paths drip with fatness.

Psalm 65:11