The Scene: Harry Potter is learning about Quidditch from Oliver Wood
Harry: Oh no! Its wing is broken.
Harry: Quick! Let’s get some glue to fix it!
Oliver: You can’t use glue, you Muggle…
Oliver: Snitches get stitches!
Please be advised that anyone enforcing the policy of “snitches get stitches” is in direct violation of federal whistleblower laws (see 29 CFR 1960.46) and will be prosecuted.
And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.
1 Timothy 5:13
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In setting up a new page on Social Biblia, I had to provide profile photos for Midianite soldiers.
The Midianites were not exactly friendly people. The image that came to mind when I pictured unfriendly soldiers was the orcs from Warcraft. Not this fancy online World of Warcraft, but its grandfather – the old-school Warcraft II.
Back when games were games and ran on DOS.
Which was a problem because DOS-based games don’t like to run on Windows 7 laptops.
But I’m getting ahead of myself a little – let me rewind a bit.
Posted in Technical | 2 Comments »
Package for Some Guy. Sign here please
(draws a baby swan)
All you did was draw a baby swan…
Yes. That’s my cygnet-ure.
The End
And the swan, and the pelican, and the gier eagle
Leviticus 11:18
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My car is 10 years old now, so I need to pay more attention to maintenance items. For example, sometimes the oil gets too low between oil changes.
At a recent gas stop, I noticed that the oil was low. I keep a quart of oil in the trunk for such occasions, so I pulled that out and added it to the engine.
The only problem was that I did not have a funnel with me, so I had to aim very carefully when pouring the oil. Alas, I did not aim carefully enough – I spilled some oil on the engine cover.
Normally, I wouldn’t care about that. But the extra oil dripped off the front of the cover and landed on the front of the engine. It landed somewhere in the middle of some tubes and heat shields.
I didn’t think much about that, other than “oops”.
Then the oil started to smoke.
Some flames appeared.
Posted in Mishaps | 6 Comments »
Last year, we inherited a large play structure from some friends. The only cost was time and effort in that we had to remove it and transport it ourselves. After an afternoon of breaking concrete and sawing extra posts and digging, we had the fort on the trailer and drove it 30 miles to our house. That was slow going, but we got it there.
Here is how it arrived.

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