Bad Employees
We went to a restaurant on the way home from a book sale. The lot was crowded, but there were two spots available. I saw one spot had a sign in front of it, so I took the other one.
I assumed it was a spot for take-out or pregnant women or something like that. Here is a picture of the spot:
On our way out, my wife read the sign and made a comment like “That’s not good”. In case you couldn’t read the sign in the previous photo, here is a close-up:
And my wife was right – if no employee is the best employee, that must mean that all the employees are equally bad, right?
Or maybe he was just late that day, which would make him not the best employee anymore.
Or maybe part of his perks for being awarded “Best Employee” was that he got an extra vacation day.
Or maybe he happens to live close to the restaurant so he can walk or bike to work.
It doesn’t really matter – our spot was closer to the front door anyway.
When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for someone more distinguished than you may have been invited by him,
Luke 14:8