Archive for May 1st, 2014

Laissez-faire Fuel Economics

Government has been telling us that we need to improve fuel economy by our actions – inflate our tires, buy electric vehicles, etc.

You’ll notice that anytime the government discusses fuel economy, it is always in the context of what other people or groups need to do; the government is never responsible.

I was thinking about that the other day as I sat in my car, idling at a red light and watching the green light’s empty lanes. Why did I have to sit there and waste gas? Because the government wants other people, not the government, to have to act to improve fuel economy.

More prevalent than solid-red left arrows though are the 4-way stops. What contributes not only to poor fuel economy but also to higher maintenance costs for a vehicle? Stop-and-go driving.

I bet the government could improve my fuel economy if it upgraded a bunch of intersections from 4-way stops to roundabouts. Then I wouldn’t have to stop. Coasting through a right turn, rather than coming to a complete stop and then having to accelerate again, would reduce my dependency on foreign oil.

And then are some T intersections where the right turn traffic has to come to a complete stop because the light is red, even though their action would not interfere with the green-light traffic.

diagram of a T-intersection showing that the right-turn lanes should never have a red light, only green arrow always

Why not put up a right-turn green arrow (that would be on when the cross street has a green light) so that we don’t need to burn more gas than we need to?

Come on, government, do your part too.

There is no straw given to your servants, yet they keep saying to us, ‘Make bricks!’ And behold, your servants are being beaten; but it is the fault of your own people.

Exodus 5:16