Archive for August 5th, 2014

Visionary Family

This is the follow-up to the previous blog post about our week at Maranatha, mainly more information about Visionary Family Ministries.

If I could sum up the teaching of the week in one paragraph in my own words, it would be this:

You are a pastor.
You have a congregation.
How are you leading and teaching them?

Now to use his words, paraphrased.
“For most of history, discipleship and religious teaching was family-centered and church-supported. In the last 100 years, it has switch to be church-centered and family-supported, leading to weakened faith.”
“The family is God’s plan for small-group ministry, the primary tool for evangelism.”

Now back to regular bloggy writing:
From my summary, above, you have a congregation. In my case, it’s a congregation of 5 – a wife and 4 kids.

Who is responsible for their spiritual development?

Not the head pastor. Not the youth pastor. Not anyone in the church organization.

The husband/father is.

If, in an average week, you are doing nothing to promote spiritual growth in your wife and/or kids, then you need to start. Make a plan and start small.

Of course, Visionary Family Ministries is a good place to start

Other Things I Noted During His Sessions
I have heard sermons preached on Ephesians chapter 5 before – the roles of husband and wife. But Rob Rienow’s exposition of it was the first I can recall that gave the Why behind each command. It made sense the way he explained it.

Women must be careful with criticism. “If a man decides that you can’t be pleased, then he will stop trying.” Applies to her dealings with kids as well as husband.

“Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” is a familiar verse, but misapplied. It is not a cause-and-effect that applies to individual people – the you in there is plural. It is a promise to the nation, society. When kids don’t honor their parents, families break down. When families break down, society breaks down. When society breaks down, it doesn’t last long in the land. That’s what the verse means.

In conclusion, Rob Rienow is a great speaker. If you get a chance to hear him at an event, go. If you don’t get a chance, you can order the DVD set and have almost the same effect.

He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.

Malachi 4:6