Archive for September 7th, 2022

The 5 Hows: Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

This is a guide for how to play the game Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza.

1. How do I win?
By running out of cards first.

2. How do I get get rid of my cards?
Everyone gets rid of cards. The key is not to win any of them back.

3. Ok, then how do I win cards back?
By messing up your actions.

4. What are my actions?
Ahem, this is the Five Hows, no Whats are allowed.

4. Ok then, how are my actions?
That’s not a very good question, but I’ll answer what I think you meant. You make your actions based on the card being played versus the word being said.

Each person, in turn, flips the top card off his deck and into the middle pile. And when you do so, you say the next word in the sequence “taco cat goat cheese pizza”.

If the picture on the card matches the word you just said, everyone needs to put their hands on the middle pile. The last person to put his hand in is the loser (kind of like musical chairs), and gets all the cards in the pile.

5. But you said actions plural. How are there other actions?
There are a few cards other than taco, cat, goat, cheese, and pizza. There are some other animals, and you must make the prescribed (in the rules) motions to match that animal. If you don’t, then you also get all the cards in the middle.

It’s a simple concept but very stressful. And fun. And just as much fun to watch as to play.

There, now go play Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza.

and He will put the sheep on His right, but the goats on the left.

Matthew 25:33