Archive for August 23rd, 2023

Paper Crane Contest

I haven’t had a Family Conversations post in a while, but this should fit in that category. It’s just one though. Now that all the kids are in middle school and up, they don’t talk as much.

The scene: Delta has an origami book and has been practicing making paper cranes, and they’re turning out fairly well.
Delta:Dad, let’s see who can make a paper crane faster.
We both commence folding. I win the race.
Me:I’m done.
Delta:No, dad, one that looks good.
I do not know how to fold paper cranes. I folded something, but you would not have guessed it to be a crane. Unfortunately, I did not save it nor photograph it.

Even the stork in the sky
Knows her seasons;
And the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane
Keep to the time of their migration;
But My people do not know
The judgment of the Lord.

Jeremiah 8:7