Archive for April 17th, 2024

Not Wish

It seems that using the name of Wish on anything will from now indicate low quality.

At first there was, and it has become synonymous with cheap things. For example, when people wanted to mock the new gateway sign to Detroit along I-94, they wondered if the city bought it on Wish.

But then last week my son wanted to watch a movie and we saw that the Wish movie was on Disney+ so we decided to watch “the new Disney movie”.

It was the version of a Disney movie.

The plot and characters were boring, there was no princess, the songs were extremely forgettable, etc.

Spoiler Alert
And the main premise of the movie is a re-hashing of the theologically-incorrect assertions of Carl Sagan that we’re all connected to each other through the stars.

Although I suppose I wouldn’t recommend Disney movies in general for theology.
End Spoiler Alert

Long story short: don’t bother watching the Wish movie. So many other better options.

Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living person.

Genesis 2:7