Archive for October, 2024

With Great Power

It seems that everyone knows the lesson from the Spider-Man origin story – with great power comes great responsibility.

There is a similar quote from Eleanor Roosevelt though that I’d like to focus on today.

For freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.

It makes sense – if you’re not free to decide something, then you’re not responsible for it. It happens at work: the corporate policy tells you to do something, then it’s not your fault if it turns out bad. But if you are free to decide something then you have the responsibility for its outcome.

In this election year, I notice many of the ads are pushing for something called “reproductive freedom” but I also notice that no one is pushing for “reproductive responsibility”. I say they are two sides of the same coin. People want freedom with no responsibility. And in many ways this modern world appears to allow more freedom with less responsibility.

Consider what the end result is, not just of reproductive freedom with no responsibility, but of general freedom without responsibility. Is human nature such that people will do what’s good for them and others? That’s the benefit of natural consequences – it keeps peoples’ behavior in check.

I think the internet provides a glimpse of what happens. Consider the internet to be a virtual society with no physical consequences: people do and say things that they wouldn’t do in person. If we keep removing natural consequences from personal behaviors, it won’t be progress. And “reproductive freedom” is just the current example of that.

For He repays a person for his work, And lets things happen in correspondence to a man’s behavior.

Job 34:11