Guitar Display

We went to the science museum in Toledo recently. The lower level of the museum has a section set aside for temporary exhibits. Temporary can be days or weeks or months. This particular exhibit seemed to be one of the longer ones at 3 months, since it was rather extensive.

It was a museum of guitars.

They had a giant guitar, some things to play with and try, but it was mostly guitar displays.

image of museum display of various guitars

Early guitars, classical guitars, electric guitars, modern guitars.

I don’t know that there were many guitars of exceptional importance or value, but they had a wide range, all with placards indicating their places in history.

They did, however, have one rare guitar. It’s not the best photo, but it will give you the idea. I think they managed to get one of the original models for this display, so it is somewhat rare as there aren’t that many surviving from the early years.

image of museum display of an air guitar

That was my favorite guitar display of the day.

And as they were crying out and throwing off their cloaks and tossing dust into the air,

Acts 22:23

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:43 am and has been carefully placed in the Life category.

2 Responses to “Guitar Display”

  1. Ricky Anderson Says:

    My favorite too.

  2. Victor from Guitar Graph Says:

    Wow you can never tell what museum can give you. It’s agood place to visit for people who loves guitar.

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